Author, Photographer and Pro Educator, Dan Moughamian is a master of Adobe Photoshop with over 15 years of experience. Dan also has years of experience working with Adobe production apps like Premiere Pro, After Effects and Encore...
Dan Moughamian
Dan Moughamian is not just a fine art photographer of striking landscapes and urban architecture; he’s also a noted author and professional instructor with experience in digital compositing, digital video, and motion graphics.

A veteran of the Adobe alpha and beta testing programs, Dan has nearly 20 years’ experience working with Adobe applications, including 16 years with Photoshop. He is a contributor to the Photoshop CS4 Bible and PhotoTechnique Magazine, among others. Dan’s most recent work includes Digital Imaging How-Tos (Adobe Press).

Dan joined our team of trainers at Nonlinear Educating prior to the CS4 release of Adobe’s suite. “Aside from creating my own art, the most rewarding work I do is teaching other creative pros and digital enthusiasts how to get the most from Adobe’s amazing suite of products,” he says. “I love the way Nonlinear has taken a new approach to training, offering high quality, high resolution content on a variety of devices and mediums.”

His video titles for 2010 include Image Retouching and Adjustment with Photoshop CS5; Core Lightroom 3; and Mastering Adobe Camera Raw 6. Once you watch the demos, we think you’ll agree Dan’s friendly and detailed approach is a great way to “learn Adobe!” You can follow Dan’s latest adventures on Twitter, @Colortrails.
Courses by Dan Moughamian
  • Photoshop CC 205
    Photo Retouching & Adjustments
    Taking photos is just the first step in the photographer's craft. Transform and enhance your photos into photographic masterpieces in this Photoshop CC course by expert Dan Moughamian.
  • Photoshop CC 105
    60 Tips Every Photoshop User Should Know 
    Watch this course to learn 60 great techniques for improving your Photoshop CC skills, with Dan Moughamian, one of our veteran Photoshop gurus...
  • Photoshop CC 102
    Selection & Masking Techniques
    Learn from master educator, Dan Moughamian, as he reveals all the secrets of Photoshop Selection and Masking in this rich, deep 36-video course...
  • Photoshop CS6 206
    Creating HDR Photos
    Create High Dynamic Range (HDR) photos in Photoshop and Lightroom with acclaimed photographer and educator, Dan Moughamian...
  • Photoshop CS6 205
    Photo Retouching and Adjustment
    Learn how to make your best photos even better in this 54-tutorial course on Photo Retouching and Adjustment with pro photographer and popular Photoshop educator, Dan Moughamian.
  • Photoshop CS6 204
    Optimizing Raw Photos with ACR7
    With more and more cameras able to capture uncompressed, raw digital image formats, photographers need to know how to optimize and manage their photos before even bringing them into Photoshop. In this 2.5 hour course, expert photographer and educator Dan Moughamian shows you how, with Adobe Camera Raw 7...
  • Photoshop CS6 104
    Introduction to Layers and Smart Objects
    Strengthen your knowledge of Layers and start "working smarter" with Smart Objects in Photoshop CS6 in this 45-video course with pro Photoshop educator, Dan Moughamian...
  • Photoshop CS6 102
    Selection & Masking Techniques
    Learn Photoshop CS6 from master educator, Dan Moughamian, as he reveals all the Photoshop CS6 Selection secrets in this 37-video tips-and-tricks rich course...
  • Photoshop CS6 103
    Understanding Brushes, Vector Tools and Transforms
    Join Photoshop instructor Dan Moughamian as he reveals the secrets of Brushes, Vector Tools and Transforms in this 41-video course on Adobe Photoshop CS6 ...
  • Photoshop CS5 104
    Mastering Adobe Camera Raw 6
    Take your raw photo editing skills to the next level: master Adobe Camera Raw 6 -and the best features of Bridge C5- from a seasoned photographer!
  • Lightroom 3 101
    Core Lightroom 3
    Simplify your photography from start to finish...Dan Moughamian shows you how!
  • Photoshop CS5 105
    Retouching & Image Adjustment
    Take photo retouching and adjustments to a whole new level...Learn advanced, professional techniques from a seasoned photographer.
  • Encore 101
    Core Encore
    Encore DVD is Adobe's full-featured, commercial DVD-Video authoring application. Learn how it works in this tutorial ...
  • Premiere 101
    Core Premiere
    Adobe Premiere Pro can turn anyone into a video editor - create your artistic vision with this amazing Nonlinear Editor.
  • Lightroom 2 101
    Core Lightroom 2
    If you're organizing and editing large quantities of Photos, you need Lightroom 2! Watch as pro photographer Dan Moughamian shows you the ins & outs of this amazing graphics application.
  • Photoshop CS4 105
    Digital Photography Workflows
    Digital cameras alone don't make good pictures - it takes the helping hand of Photoshop to make your photos shine. This tutorial-video shows you why ...
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