David Andris, Celemony’s Lead Product Specialist for Melodyne, shows you powerful pitch manipulation techniques!
David Andris
David Andris is a professional audio engineer and producer living and working in South Florida. He owns Spartan Recordings, a recording services company that is creatively involved in the Southeast recording scene.

David is also a Lead Specialist for Celemony’s Melodyne, traveling the U.S. and Europe sharing his vast Melodyne expertise and leading seminars. With his ever-growing list of clients, David Andris is fast becoming one of the top vocal tuners in the U.S.
Courses by David Andris
  • Melodyne 201
    Advanced Melodyne
    Melodyne 2.0 is loaded with a bunch of new features. Let Product Specialist David Andris show you how you can inject Melodyne's new DNA technology into your productions...
  • Melodyne 101
    Core Melodyne
    David Andris, Celemony's Lead Product Specialist for Melodyne, shows you powerful pitch manipulation techniques!
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