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Ableton Live 407 - 15+ Live Workflow Tips.
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  • 1

    Is Wavetable an MPE capable instrument?

  • 2

    Is it possible to only see the notes in the selected scale?

  • 3

    How many Macro knobs can a rack have?

  • 4

    True or False: There is no circumstance where you can change the value of an automated parameter without deactivating the automation.

  • 5

    What happens when you change the Chance of a MIDI note?

  • 6

    How does Shaper differ from an LFO?

  • 7

    True or False: The delay in Spectral Time is always "post-Freezer"

  • 8

    If you have 4 clips, each with Follow Action set to 1 beat and Legato on, after triggering the first clip where would the third clip eventually start?

  • 9

    What does it mean when the Linked button is on for Follow Action?

  • 10

    True or False: You can only comp MIDI clips in Ableton Live

  • 11

    What are Racks?

  • 12

    Which warp mode must you use in order for Sample Offset Modulation to be available?

  • 13

    Is the Jump feature of Follow Action only available to Scenes?

  • 14

    What do Macro Variations capture?

Ableton Live 407
15+ Live Workflow Tips
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