B. B. B. Kjelbye wrote on July 30, 2016
Learning how to use a Mac and get controll of all the shortcuts, is a rather tall order.
This course helps you on the way.
John Pijnappel wrote on February 20, 2014
This is a nice way to get more knowledge about the programs on my Mac. Nice that some of the instructors are making jokes. It's easier to listen to it that way. It would be nice, if you have an account, that you can download a couple of courses to listen to if you have no internet connection.
craiggalbraith224@shaw.ca wrote on April 21, 2013
Excellent for one just starting to use a mac.Perhaps speaks a little too quickly.
Normand DesChênes wrote on April 27, 2010
The tutorial ist very good. It is unmistakedly clear and also concise. I have been teaching for 30 years and believe me, what you delivered is quality teaching. It also fits my situation of switching from XP to Mac OS 10.5.8 perfectly. Thanks and great job Martin.
I didn't learn everything I wanted to learn though. Is there a 102 tutorial? I need to know more about Safari, Mail and @.
James Ford wrote on January 15, 2010
I feel this training will probably be used by a lot of people either new to computers or switchers from Windows. As such I felt the author over emphasized the possibility of someone gaining unauthorized access to their Mac. These kind of warnings belongs in the Security section of training but not in as many places as he put them. His over emphasis might lead to the feeling that the Mac is not as safe as it is.
If he updates the training I hope he puts these warnings in the proper location of the training.
I feel it was very good training but definitely needs to be updated to reflect the more recent releases of OS X.
John Cross wrote on July 5, 2009
first rate tutorial, I have learnt things I never ever knew, would have liked more details on system preferences.
all in all, a great little tutorial for the money, I have replayed it twice now and will no doubt continue to do so.
Thanks again for a really great service.
John Cross
Galliano Sommavilla wrote on June 30, 2009
Really great!
Bobby Mitchell wrote on June 10, 2009
Dear Friends,
Since discovering your website, I have purchased four of your videos. As you can see, these videos mean a lot, as they teach me many things I did know, even if your videos are not as current as the programs I am currently using. May I suggest that you advertise in some of the Mac magazines.
Good Work!
Gregory Martell wrote on May 28, 2009
This video tutorial was kind of hit and miss for me. I have only had my mac for three months, having always been a PC Windows user. I found certain segments of the video did not take into account updates to OS X made since this tutorial was made. Even though there was helpful knowledge to be had, some of the topics covered left me a little confused as to their relevance for me the new user. I was left with many unanswered questions like, "I used to do this in Windows, so how do I do it in OSX...?" I was a little disappointed.
Pamela Pagliochini wrote on April 4, 2009
Once again I'm thrilled with the quality of your training programs. This instructor was excellent! I'm learning, learning, learning.
I hope that you will have more of the standard "basic" courses for those of us who just need to get through the day with our computers.