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After Effects CC 102 - The Essentials.
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  • 1

    The standard keyboard shortcut to preview your timeline is:

  • 2

    What's the maximum number of fonts you can sync from the Creative Cloud with a standard membership?

  • 3

    What is the best way to organize projects outside of After Effects?

  • 4

    The Keyboard shortcut to move a clips starting frame to the timebar is:

  • 5

    The Sequence Layers command is considered a:

  • 6

    The Keyboard Shortcut to split a clip is:

  • 7

    When selecting clips not in a sequential stacking order, what key do you hold to select multiple clips?

  • 8

    The shortcut key to hold when turning all your layer toggles on or off is:

  • 9

    In your project window, what can you use to organize your elements?

  • 10

    Your Autosave Preference is inside what other Preference category?

  • 11

    How many adaptive resolution settings are there?

  • 12

    The Keyboard Shortcut to create a new composition is:

  • 13

    The Loop footage command can be found in the Interpret Footage window. True or false?

  • 14

    What is the resolution of the elements from 4Kfree.com

  • 15

    To view a clip in your project in the main composition window, without putting it in your timeline you:

  • 16

    How many main windows should you have in your standard working Workspace?

  • 17

    The shortcut to import footage is:

  • 18

    You can't download previous versions of After Effects. Only the current one. True or false?

After Effects CC 102
The Essentials
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