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Animation Concepts 102 - Dynamic Character Animation.
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  • 1

    The Principles of Visual Story telling are:

  • 2

    Timing & Spacing are amongst the first principles of animation. It's how you determine:

  • 3

    Follow through refers to:

  • 4

    What are the fundamental principles that make drawings come to life?

  • 5

    Overlapping Action is when the main action of a character leads and parts of a character ________.

  • 6

    What would the Line of Action describe if you were to take the character away?

  • 7

    What is the most useful approach for planning and executing your animations?

  • 8

    The Line of Action is used on _________.

  • 9

    The S Curve is very useful to ____________.

  • 10

    Gesture drawing is meant to look:

  • 11

    Gesture drawing is the weakest way to help you formulate character poses. True or false?

  • 12

    What can you create by using a dynamic Line of Action?

  • 13

    You should aim to follow ___ if you want smooth action on screen.

  • 14

    To in-between two keys by using the tweening function, the object has to be converted to _____ first.

  • 15

    A Line of Action can help to establish a character's ________.

  • 16

    What two Lines of Action are often used to describe general aspects of a character's pose?

  • 17

    Secondary action:

  • 18

    The principles of motion that apply to objects must apply to characters, but there are a few extra principles that making a characters come to, life such as:

  • 19

    How many Objects can be tweened per layer?

  • 20

    A "hold" in animation terminology means giving a few frames to a pose to:

  • 21

    It's impossible to use a Line of Action if the character is standing still. True or false?

Animation Concepts 102
Dynamic Character Animation
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