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Logic Pro 102 - Recording and Editing Audio.
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  • 1

    How many different punch in modes does Logic have?

  • 2

    It does not matter which order your plugins are in in your audio FX.

  • 3

    What should determine your sample rate?

  • 4

    By default the "Command Click Tool" is the _________________.

  • 5

    By default, your sends are ________________ in the signal flow.

  • 6

    Your I/O Buffer is directly related to ___________________.

  • 7

    When editing audio in the "Audio Track Editor" you are editing destructively.

  • 8

    When your send is set to "Post Fader" what color is the send knob?

  • 9

    When editing audio in the "Audio File Editor" you are editing destructively.

  • 10

    You cannot access your "audio files" folder when saving using the "Package File" type.

Logic Pro 102
Recording and Editing Audio
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