The Foundation Of Synthesis 106
Designing Timbres
Genre: Audio
  • 12 Videos
  • 1h 2m
Learn all about designing lead, bass and some just plain nasty sounds on very exotic hardware in this synthesis course by Marc Doty of The Bob Moog Foundation...
The Bob Moog Foundation ignites the innovator in us all through exposure to interactive educational experiences that draw from Dr. Bob Moog’s legacy of groundbreaking work at the intersection of music, science, and imagination.
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Status: Available
Synthesis on hardware synths is a real adventure. Every synth designer has their own interpretation on how things look, feel, sound and get patched together! In this sixth course in our Foundations Of Synthesis series, Marc Doty assembles a selection of synths from his personal collection and demonstrates how he creates his sounds.

All of the synthesis and control processes that Marc brought to the table in the previous five courses blend together as he builds (and patches) lead, bass, and FX. This course is a unique opportunity to get inside a master synthesist's head to see how he manipulates and realizes the sonic dreams that reside in his aural imagination!

Bob Moog was an early pioneer and inventor of voltage controlled analog synthesizers. He revolutionized the music industry and his ideas, inventions and musical instruments have dominated the sound of music for more than 30 years. Aside from being an innovator, Dr. Bob was an outspoken advocate of education. The Bob Moog Foundation, created by his daughter, Michelle Moog-Kousa, continues his legacy with Dr. Bob's SoundSchool, the preservation of his inventions and the development of the Moogseum – the only museum of its kind dedicated to the advancement of sonic education. We hope you will help support the BMF's efforts by watching these courses with the knowledge that a large portion of the proceeds go to support their awesome efforts!

So sit back, hit the play button, and get into sound design in this Foundation of Synthesis course with Marc Doty, and the Bob Moog Foundation.

Be sure to watch all 6 of the BMF's courses on filters, modulation, oscillators, sound design and more!
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