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Logic Pro X 101 - Core Training: Create Your 1st Project.
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  • 1

    How can you see if your mix is too loud?

  • 2

    What's the Library useful for?

  • 3

    Logic Pro X has an Autosave feature. True or false?

  • 4

    How can you loop a region?

  • 5

    What's the default Key Command to start/stop playback?

  • 6

    What four List Editors are available in Logic Pro X?

  • 7

    What color are audio loops?

  • 8

    Pressing the space bar while cycle mode is on and a different section in the arrange window is selected by the marquee tool does what?

  • 9

    What does Bouncing your project means?

  • 10

    What's a valid way to copy a region?

  • 11

    How do you select the audio you want to use from multiple Take Folders on a track?

  • 12

    How can you define what instrument or patch shows up when creating a new software instrument?

  • 13

    How do you turn loops into real copies?

  • 14

    How can you edit Apple Loops in Logic's Editor?

  • 15

    What's a project package?

  • 16

    When you're ready to bounce your project, what is the Key Command to do it?

  • 17

    What color are MIDI Apple Loops?

  • 18

    How do you trim an Audio region?

  • 19

    What key takes the transport back to zero

  • 20

    In the main window, hitting Return has what effect?

  • 21

    MIDI Thru processes MIDI on input. True or false?

Logic Pro X 101
Core Training: Create Your 1st Project
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