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Final Cut Pro X 107 - Core Training: Color Correction Masterclass.
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  • 1

    The Balance Color effect can be moderated/limited in which way?

  • 2

    The Waveform Monitor should always be used when adjusting which settings?

  • 3

    When selecting a color for a color mask, how would you limit the range of the color?

  • 4

    The Vectorscope is used to see what?

  • 5

    Adjusting the Highlights puck in the Color board has what effect?

  • 6

    Match Color is used for what?

  • 7

    Which of the following is not true?

  • 8

    Which of the following is not true?

  • 9

    Which of the following techniques is not used for color corrections?

  • 10

    What tool can you use to verify the accuracy of human skin tones?

Final Cut Pro X 107
Core Training: Color Correction Masterclass
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