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Logic Pro X 105 - Core Training: Mixing and Automation.
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  • 1

    Will hitting Z let you zoom in?

  • 2

    How can you disable a group temporarily?

  • 3

    How can you skip through your project?

  • 4

    A good rule is to _______________.

  • 5

    How did David get the softer parts of the Rhodes to stand out?

  • 6

    What's the default key command to open the Strip Silence window?

  • 7

    What happens when you double-click on an audio region?

  • 8

    By default, what happens if you press Command-F?

  • 9

    Is it possible to split a note when viewing Flex Pitch?

  • 10

    Which plug-in can be used to generate harmonics that are not in the original audio signal?

  • 11

    What happens if you turn up the Threshold too high on a Noise Gate?

  • 12

    Which automation mode will immediately snap back to the existing automation on the track when you let go the fader or knob?

  • 13

    What is Pre-Fader metering?

  • 14

    What Logic plug-in can you use to shape the transient of a kick drum?

  • 15

    What is a characteristic of the OPTO compressor?

  • 16

    When using a compressor, which analysis method is more transparent?

  • 17

    What are the three most commonly used samples rates for making music?

  • 18

    How can you realign overhead tracks?

  • 19

    What's the default key command to jump between markers?

  • 20

    Which famous compressor does the Logic's Studio VCA resemble?

  • 21

    What's the best Flex Time algorithm to select when working on phase-locked drum tracks?

  • 22

    Logic's Platinum Reverb is a convolution reverb. True or false?

  • 23

    What is "Masking"?

  • 24

    You can reorder tracks by selecting them and dragging them in the Mixer. True or False?

  • 25

    What does it mean if the Send level knob is on the left of the Bus slot?

Logic Pro X 105
Core Training: Mixing and Automation
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