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Cubase 10 103 - Audio Recording and Editing.
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  • 1

    You can only edit, but not save your own Track Presets? (True/false)

  • 2

    Which mouse control is used to alter the Q-factor (bandwidth) of an EQ node?

  • 3

    Which key command is used to reveal the Audio Connections window?

  • 4

    What is the color of a knob on an Effect track?

  • 5

    Which effect(s) is found in the Gate module?

  • 6

    What provision must be done prior to opening the Audio Mixdown window?

  • 7

    The Locators cannot be used for Punch recording. (True/false)

  • 8

    Which button do you press to activate Re-Record?

  • 9

    What is revealed when you click the "e" button on the Comp module?

  • 10

    What does dragging the green line change?

  • 11

    What do the pin stripes on an audio event indicate?

  • 12

    What is induced into a recording when the "clip" indicator lights up?

  • 13

    Which button do you press to reveal the Comping Lanes?

  • 14

    Where are the Track Versions controls located?

  • 15

    Which recording mode(s) works with Cycle Recording?

  • 16

    Having speakers and microphones in the same room can cause...

  • 17

    What does the term "float" stand for in 32-bit float?

  • 18

    What is the term for the delay induced by software monitoring?

  • 19

    What is the advantage of packing tracks into Folder tracks?

  • 20

    Which Pool folder is usually empty in active music projects?

  • 21

    What is the other option for the Play tool?

  • 22

    Group Channels only appear in the MixConsole and not in the Track list. (True/false)

  • 23

    Which Handle(s) do audio events have the MIDI events do not?

  • 24

    Where on an Event do you find the Comp Handle?

  • 25

    How many audio inputs are required to record multiple tracks simultaneously?

Cubase 10 103
Audio Recording and Editing
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