Cubase 6 102
Exploring the Fundamentals
Genre: Audio
  • 21 Videos
  • 1h 42m
So now that you've been through our Cubase Quick Start guide where do you go next? This tutorial, Exploring the Fundamentals, by Cubase product specialist Matthew Loel T. Hepworth will give you the strong foundation you need to produce hot tracks the Cubase way!
A Steinberg Product Specialist combines with a natural musician and educator to give us Matthew Loel T. Hepworth - Cubase Specialist!
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  • Audio
  • Cubase
  • Cubase 6 102: Exploring the Fundamentals
Status: Available
To master a program as deep as Cubase 6 it helps to have a software roadmap and an experienced guide. In this tutorial, product specialist Matthew Hepworth leads you in the right direction and shows you, step-by-step, how to begin to make Cubase 6 work its awesome magic.

You've got to walk before you can run, so Matt first explores the redesigned interface, the 3 project window columns, the inspector and the transport. Then Matt picks up speed and zooms in to give you an exceptional explanation of Cubase's basic "command and control" functions. From there he shifts into high gear elucidating on how to configure the autosave function, programming the metronome and making good use of Cubase's built-in "Hints" and documentation. As Matt kicks into overdrive he then takes you to the section revealing Cubase's conception of how tracks work, the implementation of its awesome tools and the effective use of the essential editing and zoom commands.

So if you want to get "off-and-running" (and not run out of gas along the way) this tutorial, Cubase 6: Exploring The Fundamentals, is your all-important second step in the process. Knowledge is Power. So jump in, power up, put your foot on the pedal and accelerate your Cubase-learning experience by watching these informative videos!

Note: this tutorial is the second in a series of new Cubase 6 tutorials from The whole series includes:

1 Quick Start

2 Exploring The Fundamentals (this one)

3 Production Basics

4 Working With MIDI

5 Working With Audio

6 Effects, EQ, Automation, and Mixing
Other courses in this series
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