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Dance Music Sound Design 301 - Bass Advanced.
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  • 1

    What does the import audio mode (FFT 512, etc...) determine?

  • 2

    Keytracking modulates in relation to...?

  • 3

    What plugin is one of the most popular for bass distortion?

  • 4

    What FM ratios would give an inharmonic sound?

  • 5

    Most of the top producers separate the synthesis process from the songwriting. True or false?

  • 6

    If legato is ON, is it likely an envelope retriggers when you overlap MIDI notes?

  • 7

    Do you have to know exactly what will happen when setting up a generative synthesis process?

  • 8

    What filter parameter does "Stereo Filter Offset" offset?

  • 9

    To remove an attack/release click, do you increase or decrease attack/release time?

  • 10

    Why does modulating a noise layer help?

  • 11

    Do all synths produce identical sine waves?

  • 12

    What is the main downside of, say, using Trash 2's convolution reverb 100% wet?

  • 13

    Which synth has better random modulation options?

  • 14

    What could Aftertouch modulation be equivalently called?

  • 15

    When removing the fundamental in Serum, which menu in the wavetable editor do you go to?

  • 16

    Is it always better to modulate the sub layer?

  • 17

    What format does the picture need to be when importing into Serum to create a new wavetable?

  • 18

    You could say a live venue sounds...?

  • 19

    When is initial phase most important?

  • 20

    In Serum, what mode do you need to be in for looped envelopes to work?

  • 21

    What does velocity represent?

  • 22

    What is the technical term for ‘glide'?

Dance Music Sound Design 301
Bass Advanced
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