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Dance Music Sound Design 302 - Lead Synths Advanced.
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  • 1

    Is hard sync a classic or modern synthesis technique?

  • 2

    What word is often used instead of keytracking?

  • 3

    ‘New legato' glides ... ?

  • 4

    High velocity is likely to sound ... ?

  • 5

    When using the Offset Oscillator Amplitude technique, which envelope parameter is responsible for the ‘offset'?

  • 6

    The fundamental frequency is the pitch, and the harmonics are the character/personality/tone. True or false?

  • 7

    All saw waves are identical. True or false?

  • 8

    What concept does the oscillator glide offset technique take advantage of?

  • 9

    Microtuning makes subtle variations to ... ?

  • 10

    To most clearly hear the difference between Serum unison modes, what do you want?

  • 11

    Which waveform was used to create the Computer Chip Style lead sound?

  • 12

    What is the frequency ratio for a perfect fifth interval?

  • 13

    Which synth uses Harmonic Content Morphing?

  • 14

    Do all synths have the same Chorus effect?

  • 15

    A 12 dB low pass filters reduces power 12db per ... ?

  • 16

    Which envelope is (by default) the amplitude envelope in Massive?

  • 17

    What is Aftertouch?

  • 18

    What does CV stand for?

  • 19

    Is wavefolding more common in modern VST synthesis, or classic modular synthesis?

Dance Music Sound Design 302
Lead Synths Advanced
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