Take a 20 question quiz to test and certify your knowledge of the tutorial-video course
Arturia DrumBrute 101 - DrumBrute - Make Beats Now!.
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  • 1

    Is it better to use balanced or unbalanced cables?

  • 2

    Which way is it typical to shift snares or claps?

  • 3

    To save the information from the DrumBrute, which button do I press?

  • 4

    What is the default quantisation play speed?

  • 5

    Which is louder?

  • 6

    Can you visually see step repeats on the steps?

  • 7

    Tempo is the ... of the drum groove?

  • 8

    What is a song?

  • 9

    Which drum could NOT be a bassline component?

  • 10

    Does the DrumBrute have to be ‘playing' to hear roller?

  • 11

    If I want to double the loop (rather than adding in empty steps), what technique do I use?

  • 12

    If in doubt, should you set your kick louder, or quieter?

  • 13

    What are polyrhythms?

  • 14

    Which layer gave the kick a ‘metal' edge?

  • 15

    If I route the clap out independently to the main mix output, will the clap go through the filter?

  • 16

    Swing offsets which steps?

  • 17

    Are all shift functions clearly labelled?

  • 18

    Is erasing permanent?

  • 19

    Does randomness randomize filter position?

  • 20

    What kick pattern does a standard house beat use?

Arturia DrumBrute 101
DrumBrute - Make Beats Now!
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