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Logic Pro 302 - Flex Time & Time Correction.
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  • 1

    The BPM range for safe tempo editing is:

  • 2

    A significant point or peak in an audio waveform is called a/an:

  • 3

    After turning on Flex Time on a track, the dotted lines showing the Flex Analysis are called:

  • 4

    A Triplet feel has ____ notes/subdivisions per quarter note?

  • 5

    When you edit multitrack drums, you must:

  • 6

    With tempophone, a lower grain size will result in:

  • 7

    What Swing quantization values results in the more "normal" sounding swing?

  • 8

    What shortcut shows the Editor View?

  • 9

    You can create 3 Flex Markers by:

  • 10

    Apple Loops will automatically conform to your project tempo.

  • 11

    Doubling the playback speed of a tape recording cause the pitch to go:

  • 12

    It is generally a bad idea to quantize a vocal performance to the grid.

  • 13

    With percussive keys sounds, like Clavinet, time correcting the overall groove is more important than quantizing every note.

  • 14

    What is the best practice for recording hardware synthesizers?

  • 15

    How can you keep a time corrected recording from sounding 'robotic'?

  • 16

    What function helps isolate flex edits per region?

  • 17

    Which of the following statements about vocal time alignment is true?

  • 18

    The unfortunate reality of any digital time manipulation (time or pitch) is the introduction of _______ to the signal.

  • 19

    A quantization value of 1/1 locks flex markers to:

  • 20

    More artifacts are produced when the _______ option is not checked in the Polyphonic Algorithm.

  • 21

    Acoustic guitar generally translates well, with few artifacts when heavily quantized.

  • 22

    A 3rd-party loop will automatically sync to the grid when:

Logic Pro 302
Flex Time & Time Correction
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