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Gadget 101 - Absolute Beginner's Guide.
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  • 1

    Can you swap amp types in Rosario?

  • 2

    What DAW project format can Gadget export in?

  • 3

    What formats are the Gadget plugins available as?

  • 4

    Do Gadgets work outside of the Gadget app?

  • 5

    Which other platform apart from the Mac has Gadget?

  • 6

    How do you stop a song playing in linear fashion?

  • 7

    Does Gadget have a Jam mode?

  • 8

    What kind of automation curves does Gadget use?

  • 9

    What is another term for "swing"?

  • 10

    How many CPU cores can Gadget use?

  • 11

    What does the Link button do?

  • 12

    How many CCs can you assign to a Gadget?

  • 13

    Is there an audio recording Gadget?

  • 14

    Can you use VSTs as inserts in Gadget?

  • 15

    Is audio editing destructive in Gadget?

  • 16

    Can you load multiple Gadgets at the same time?

  • 17

    What send effect is available?

  • 18

    Can you disable snapping?

  • 19

    Can faders be automated?

  • 20

    Does Gadget use popup windows?

  • 21

    Can Zurich time stretch audio?

  • 22

    What is another name for the MIDI editor?

Gadget 101
Absolute Beginner's Guide
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