AP wrote on May 11, 2015
Excellent. A thorough and intelligent overview of game audio. Highly useful
n4Sphere wrote on March 28, 2015
This course covers not only game audio, but also a little bit of gaming history. It offers an overview of what should be considered and not how to produce the perfect game score. There's plenty of historical and theoretical background to get motivated why game audio can be your step into business. Great!!
Ren wrote on November 4, 2014
Steve Horowitz & Scott Looney remove the chains from the doors of game audio, revealing the inner works and potentials that exist. In one phrase, "Eye opener" Ty, MPV!
Zahari Schtonov wrote on September 1, 2014
"Game Audio 101 - Demystifying Game Audio" is a great introduction into the world of audio for the gaming industry. It covers variety of topics from some history and background, the way sound works in games and the challenges to be considered when it comes to memory usage. Also the different roles and positions and who is who in a typical game production team, all of this definitely needed information if you want to know how it all works and one day maybe be part of it. For the professional music composer who so far only had to deal with "linear media" such as film or television, this course will be very informative too since it shows how different the planning and implementation of a score for video games is. The whole course is going to make you feel like you are in a class room, given the fact that it's all Powerpoint based presentation. Lots of useful material is covered here for variety of audiences. Truly a 101 course.
kawame davis wrote on April 22, 2014
great course in audio for gaming. At the end of this course i will be watching more video about this & hope that in the future more will come. As a music composer, i find this really interesting. Would love to do a scoring on a game one day in the future. A quick question though, it unrelated to the topic but could you guys do a auto hide on the player because sometimes when in full screen some of the words at the bottom gets cut off. hope you fix it.
"Thanks & Peace"
Steve wrote on April 1, 2014
Great 101. Ideal way to show people the difference between Game Audio and 2D Media Sound.
C1ph3rd wrote on January 8, 2014
Good intro into styles/formats/roles etc. that you'll need to know to get involved in the game audio world. Looking forward to the next in the series.
Neil wrote on November 19, 2013
Great course!! Interesting facts and theory about how the gaming industry works with music producers, as well as tips and tricks that everyone needs to know!
R. Stull wrote on July 4, 2013
Good breakdown of game audio. I found the information on industry conventions and roles especially useful.
Robert Wentz wrote on May 3, 2013
The general overview topics were very well covered including the historical background on game audio. Ironically the weakest aspect was the VOs on the course didn't sound well produced/mastered :)