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GarageBand for iOS 101 - Explained and Explored.
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  • 1

    TRUE or FALSE: The reverb algorithm you choose is shared amongst all the tracks.

  • 2

    What iOS gesture is used to zoom in on the currently selected MIDI track when the edit window is open?

  • 3

    Where can you import external audio from?

  • 4

    What shape is the input settings button?

  • 5

    TRUE or FALSE: Apple loops are fixed in a key and cannot be utilized outside of that key.

  • 6

    This parameter can be controlled using Automation:

  • 7

    You can control the effects by touching the effect areas or by activating this:

  • 8

    TRUE or FALSE: Audio can only be recorded with the built-in iOS device microphone

  • 9

    TRUE or FALSE: If instruments are not AU-compatible, they cannot be used in GarageBand for iOS.

  • 10

    TRUE or FALSE: Loops are previewed at the tempo and in the key of the current project.

  • 11

    How do you access the strumming patterns with smart guitar?

  • 12

    What direction do you need to swipe to split an audio region?

  • 13

    What is the default time signature when a new song is created?

  • 14

    TRUE or FALSE: It is possible to have a completely different song loaded up in live loops view than in tracks view if you haven't yet recorded a ‘performance' of your live loops song.

  • 15

    Why would you want to bounce 2 tracks together?

  • 16

    TRUE or FALSE: Email is one of the export options offered in GarageBand for iOS

  • 17

    What other drum will automatically be heard when the crash cymbal is tapped with one finger?

  • 18

    What do you need to connect a USB controller keyboard?

  • 19

    TRUE or FALSE: You can individually adjust Drummer regions.

  • 20

    Can you use Audio Units Instruments in GarabeBand?

  • 21

    Why does the ‘auto start' help you when sampling?

  • 22

    TRUE or FALSE: When you create a new song, it is automatically synced to iCloud

  • 23

    TRUE or FALSE: Bowed strings is the only articulation available when using Smart Strings.

  • 24

    TRUE or FALSE: GarageBand for iOS is the precursor to the OS X version used on the Mac.

  • 25

    How do you access the Song Sections menu?

GarageBand for iOS 101
Explained and Explored
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