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Ableton Live 102 - Live's MIDI Tools and FX.
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  • 1

    Which is not a feature of the updated Chord effect?

  • 2

    Strum is meant to replicate the behavior of which type of instruments?

  • 3

    How can I split notes into equal divisions?

  • 4

    What does the Arpeggiator rate control?

  • 5

    How many voices should we select for a monophonic melody in Seed?

  • 6

    Which is a new feature in the Time settings?

  • 7

    What is a melodic ornament in the Ornaments MIDI Tool?

  • 8

    Which is a new feature in the Pitch settings?

  • 9

    Can Time Warping be quantized?

  • 10

    Which is not a type of MIDI Tool?

  • 11

    Which modes are available for triplet quantization?

  • 12

    What is it called when we reset the behavior of a Tool by making adjustments in the Note Grid?

  • 13

    Which is a new velocity feature?

  • 14

    Which is a good use of grouped probabilities?

  • 15

    What range of notes can be generated with Connect?

  • 16

    What is the name for occasional hits of higher velocity?

  • 17

    What has been moved in Live 12's MIDI clips?

  • 18

    What are tunings?

  • 19

    Why would we add chords to a shape?

  • 20

    Global scale awareness applies to all clips and devices.

  • 21

    The velocity shaper transformer can be used for what?

  • 22

    How many breakpoints can we use to adjust timing with Time Warp?

  • 23

    What is rotation in the Euclidean MIDI Tool?

  • 24

    Which parameter cannot be Recombined?

  • 25

    Which is not an articulation mode in Span?

Ableton Live 102
Live's MIDI Tools and FX
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