FL Studio 203
Harmor: Synthesis on Steroids
Genre: Audio
  • 43 Videos
  • 1h 34m
Harmor is an additive synthesis monster! In this 45-tutorial course, GW Childs explains how this Image-Line, instrument will change the way you think about making music!
G.W. Childs is an audio & video production powerhouse whose credits span the gamut from work with the US Department of Defense to soundtracks with LucasArts and remixes for James Brown & Ray Charles.
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Status: Available
Harmor, the steroid-enhanced synthesizer from Image-Line and FL Studio, is one of the most pumped-up synths ever invented! It's primarily an additive synthesis machine in a familiar subtractive synthesis body. So yes, it does have a filter, but it's a filter that you draw with and design to your specifications! But there's also a lot more...

G.W. starts by opening Harmor's pandora box to reveal the depths of its sick and powerful inner madness. Take Image Synthesis, for instance... G.W. shows you how to feed Harmor some bitmapped pictures and see them regurgitated into sound! You also learn all about Harmor's insane resynthesis engine! This where Harmor can eat up any audio file and turn it into a one thousand, sine wave representation of the original. Once resynthesized, you can dig-in deeper and manipulate all those sinusoidal partials transforming your original file into, well, whatever your crazy imagination will let you!

But this is just the beginning. So, instead of us trying to explain the depth of Harmor's immense capabilities with just mere words, I suggest you just dive right in and let the talented G.W. Childs show you - in his entertaining way - just what this beast called Harmor is all about. But beware, you may never be the same! Take it away G.W....
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