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Logic Pro 405 - Hip Hop Beatmaking in Logic Pro.
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  • 1

    What is the shortcut to toggle the Library in Logic?

  • 2

    While in "One Shot" mode in the Sampler, if you release the trigger for the sample it will stop playing immediately. True or false?

  • 3

    The default key signature of a Logic project is _____________

  • 4

    In order to pitch samples up or down but keep the same tempo in Sampler you must first activate ____________.

  • 5

    Which option, when importing samples into the Quick Sampler, automatically searches for loop points and crops silence?

  • 6

    Setting the sampler to follow tempo forces the sample to automatically adjust to the tempo of the project. True or false?

  • 7

    A characteristic of a Boom Bap beat is that the drums ______________.

  • 8

    Arrangement markers allow you to rearrange regions under the marker to different locations in the songs simply by moving the marker. True or false?

  • 9

    Drum Machine Designer has _______ banks of 16 cells in which sounds can be on.

  • 10

    Where are Logic's project assets settings managed?

  • 11

    Quantizing from the "Region Inspector" _________________.

Logic Pro 405
Hip Hop Beatmaking in Logic Pro
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