Illustrator CS4 101
Core Illustrator CS4
Genre: Graphics
  • 124 Videos
  • 4h 46m
Learn to create vector art with seasoned technical author and 3D artist Kelly Murdock.
Kelly Murdock is a veteran author of the Illustrator & 3D Studio Max Bibles.
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Illustrator is the application you use to make objects for Photoshop and Flash. As a vector-based drawing application, Illustrator is a powerful tool for creating graphical objects, but it can be a bit confusing at the beginning - especially if you've never created vector graphics before.

In this 5-hour tutorial by seasoned technical author Kelly Murdock, you'll learn valuable tricks for working with vector art. Skills demonstrated in this Illustrator CS4 tutorial include how to use Illustrator's tools to draw objects and edit vector paths, grouping and organizing objects on layers, and working with Type to create text along paths and shapes. You'll also learn important tips for anti-aliasing vector graphics, working with color and gradients, and transforming objects to make intricate works of art.

This is a comprehensive tutorial, but you don't need to watch every video. Use the detailed menu structure and keyword search function to quickly find topics of interest. For a full list of this Illustrator tutorials topics, see the Table of Contents below.
Section 1: The Illustrator Interface
Section 2: Setting Up a New Document
Section 3: Working with Files
Section 4: Document Display Options
Section 5: Drawing in Illustrator
Section 6: Painting and Using Brushes
Section 7: Selecting Objects
Section 8: Editing Paths
Section 9: Organizing Objects
Section 10: Transforming Objects
Section 11: Color, Gradients, Patterns and Transparency
Section 12: Working with Type
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