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Ivory 101 - Ivory 3 Explored.
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  • 1

    What is the highest level of hierarchy in Ivory?

  • 2

    Which control on the compressor adjusts when the compressor kicks on?

  • 3

    Which area of the keyboard does shimmer predominantly affect

  • 4

    What element does middle-side microphone technique affect the most

  • 5

    You can have multiple microphones engaged at once and mix the effects. True or false?

  • 6

    Ivory 3 can utilize Ivory 2 libraries. True or false?

  • 7

    What control affects the pan (left/right) perception of the sound in the Ivory mixer?

  • 8

    Which tab are the instrument settings such as resonance and character located under?

  • 9

    Which mixer channel houses an EQ that affects all of the microphones at once?

  • 10

    Half-dampening requires a specific kind of physical MIDI sustain pedal. True or false?

  • 11

    Ivory 3 is made by...

  • 12

    A smaller audio buffer size will give you less latency at the expense of...

  • 13

    You can hear resonance effects when only playing a single note. True or false?

  • 14

    Every mic must have its own mixer channel in Ivory. True or false?

  • 15

    Which stereo perspective has the low notes slightly panned left and the high notes slightly panned right?

  • 16

    Ambient mics are the same as using reverb. True or false?

  • 17

    The sample library must be on the same device as the plugin. True or false?

  • 18

    Which control is user-adjustable in the synth layer?

  • 19

    How do you most easily assign a MIDI message to control a parameter?

  • 20

    What element is present in the standalone app but absent from the plugin?

  • 21

    What is standard tuning for Western modern music?

  • 22

    Which heading can velocity and curve settings be found under?

  • 23

    Ivory utilizes physical modeling as well as sample playback to create sound. True or false?

  • 24

    What is a preset in Ivory that includes samples and parameters called?

Ivory 101
Ivory 3 Explored
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