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iZotope RX 6 201 - Sound Designer's Toolbox.
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  • 1

    Pitch Contour can create up to __ pitch nodes per instance.

  • 2

    Which parameter can be adjusted to help preserve transients?

  • 3

    ___________ can be used for drawing in volume curves.

  • 4

    Composite View assumes that all files have the same ________.

  • 5

    Spectral De-noise's Artifact Control can switch between Musical noise and _____________.

  • 6

    _________ is used when an audio signal contains many clicks that are close together and low in volume.

  • 7

    Which plug-in format is not supported in the RX Audio Editor?

  • 8

    What's the default key modifier for silence on both Mac or PC computers?

  • 9

    ________ controls the reduction of musical noise artifacts which can be a result of heavy denoising.

  • 10

    _________ may be undesirable if you're trying to convey something being in a space different from where it was captured.

  • 11

    Time & Pitch uses iZotope's sophisticated __________ algorithm.

  • 12

    The _______ must be first set up in RX to connect the RX Monitor to your DAW.

  • 13

    Which is not an option for Find Similar Events?

  • 14

    Ambience Match is a module found in RX _______.

iZotope RX 6 201
Sound Designer's Toolbox
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