Lightroom 4 202
Nature and Landscapes
Genre: Graphics
  • 32 Videos
  • 2h 8m
  • Quiz Available
Enhance your Nature and Landscape photos using the specialized tools in Adobe Lightroom 4 with internationally acclaimed photographer and trainer Martin Perhiniak...
Martin Perhiniak is passionate about design and about education. An Adobe Certified Design Master, he has taught workshops all over Europe...
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Mother Nature doesn't always cooperate when you take photos outdoors! That's why we've asked Adobe Lightroom expert and acclaimed educator Martin Perhiniak to show you how to enhance and optimize even the most challenging Nature and Landscape photos.

Martin starts off by underscoring the usefulness of the Camera Raw format as well as the importance of keeping your catalogs well-organized. He then covers a wide variety of techniques for enhancing your Landscape photos. You'll learn how to both visually recreate the original "mood" of a photo as well as how to create alternate "artistic interpretations". Specifically, you'll learn techniques for dealing with everything from tricky elements like water and clouds, as well as sunset and night conditions. You'll even have fun learning how to work with photos taken from airplanes!

Then, Martin takes his photos over to Lightroom's sister product, Photoshop, to develop them further. He shows you how easy and smooth it is to move back and forth between the two Adobe family members. See how to convert and combine your photos to create realistic Panoramas and stunning HDR (High Dynamic Range) images! Upon finishing this course, you'll have the the Lightroom skills to take your photos to the next level and beyond!

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