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Ableton Live 12 101 - Live 12 Absolute Beginners Guide.
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  • 1

    What does the Split parameter in the Rhythm Generator do?

  • 2

    How do you assign a track to the left side of the crossfader?

  • 3

    When a groove is applied to a clip, what happens?

  • 4

    Is it possible to have custom folders for VSTs?

  • 5

    Can a track play a clip from the Session View and Arrangement View at the same time?

  • 6

    When an effect is added directly to a track, it is called an...

  • 7

    How do Hot-Swapping and Similar Sample Search differ?

  • 8

    Can certain MIDI effects take advantage of scale awareness?

  • 9

    Tracks in the Session View are vertical or horizontal?

  • 10

    Which tab in the Clip View allows you to draw in per-note expressions?

  • 11

    When devices are grouped together they are placed inside of a...

  • 12

    Warping allows you to do what?

  • 13

    What view is shown when Ableton Live initially opens?

  • 14

    What does the Stacks generator do?

  • 15

    What is a Scene?

  • 16

    Can Follow Actions be used on Scenes?

  • 17

    If enabled, Do individual MIDI clips automatically use the key and scale selected for the entire Project?

  • 18

    How do the Transform and Generate functions differ?

  • 19

    If you want a clip envelope to be a different length than the clip, what would you do?

  • 20

    In addition to Velocity, what other parameter can be changed per note in the clip view?

  • 21

    Can you see the Take Lanes while the Automation Lanes are visible?

  • 22

    Is it possible to adjust the minimum and maximum range of MIDI mapped parameters?

  • 23

    True or False: Slicing to New MIDI Track will place your slices in a Simpler instrument

  • 24

    How does track automation differ from clip envelopes?

  • 25

    If you want to make sure all of your samples are saved in your Project Folder, which option should you choose?

Ableton Live 12 101
Live 12 Absolute Beginners Guide
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