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Logic Pro X - What's New In Logic Pro X 10.0.
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  • 1

    What are the key commands for opening up the mixer?

  • 2

    What key command is used to jump to transients in audio editing?

  • 3

    Which Track Stack can you input into an Aux channel?

  • 4

    What happens when you create a Summing Stack?

  • 5

    In the Audio File Editor, destructive edits happen when in the File tab, not the Track tab. True or False?

  • 6

    What key command opens up the mixer?

  • 7

    Every channel strip can hold this many MIDI FX plugins.

  • 8

    How do you access the MIDI plug-ins in Logic Pro X?

  • 9

    How do you select non-contiguous tracks in Logic?

  • 10

    Where is the Track Stack option located?

  • 11

    How many MIDI FX can be added to each MIDI track?

  • 12

    What are two advantages of Logic Remote?

Logic Pro X
What's New In Logic Pro X 10.0
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