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Logic Pro FastTrack 201 - Advanced Audio Editing Tips.
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  • 1

    To create a temporary mix group...

  • 2

    Reversing audio is a destructive edit in Logic Pro. True or false?

  • 3

    What is the default key command to enter into "Flex View"?

  • 4

    The anchor of an audio region determines...

  • 5

    You can edit the audio in your takes like normal regions by disabling the quick swipe comping feature. True or false?

  • 6

    Audio edits done in the tracks area are destructive and affect the parent audio file on your hard drive. True or false?

  • 7

    What's the default key command to detect the tempo of a selected audio region?

  • 8

    Clones can only be made from ___________regions.

  • 9

    To time stretch or time compress an audio region in the tracks area, hold down Control while dragging the resize tool left or right.

  • 10

    Recording over previously recording material on tape is "Non-Destructive" and your original recording are preserved. True or false?

Logic Pro FastTrack 201
Advanced Audio Editing Tips
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