Logic Pro X 109
Core Training – The Score Editor
Genre: Audio
  • 58 Videos
  • 3h 35m
  • Quiz Available
Watch this Score Editor course – by the knowledgeable and very entertaining Peter "SKI" Schwartz – and you'll be notating your scores, making parts and creating lead sheets before you can say fortissimo!
Peter Schwartz is a composer, orchestrator, keyboardist, synthesist and Logic master who has worked with David Bowie, Madonna, Disneytoons and many, many others!
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Status: Available
You've been asking for it for years, and now it's here: The Score Editor taught by the amazing Peter Schwartz!

The Score Editor story starts way back when Logic was a primordial MIDI infant. It's name was Notator Logic! That's right, the ability to notate your music was built into the DNA of Logic right from the very beginning! Over the years it's been developed, improved and refined and now the Score Editor serves as a powerful notational companion alongside all the other cool new features built into Logic Pro X.

This deep 3-hour course led by Peter SKI Schwartz – one of the most knowledgeable and hilarious Logic experts on the planet – is by far the best introduction to the Score Editor ever created. It's filled with amazing tips and wonderful musical examples. Peter explains the Score Editor so thoroughly and with such focus, you will be quickly creating your own beautiful and accurate scores.

Learn all about the score, parts and advanced notation techniques to symbols, chords and lyric entry. Get the inside info on how Logic "interprets" your MIDI to make visual sense in the score. See all the ways you can "trick" the the system to get your scores looking professional and easy to read. This course is a feature-packed Logic notation masterclass filled with tons of helpful and powerful tips and tricks that can't be found anywhere else.

So sit back and get ready to learn and laugh as Peter Schwartz explains all the stuff you need to know about Logic Pro X's Score Editor.

...and be sure to check out all of our award-winning Logic courses right here, right now in the most complete Logic Pro X course library on the planet!
Section 1: Section 1: The Basics
Section 2: Section 2: The Score Region Parameters
Section 3: Section 3: Working with Staff Styles
Section 4: Section 4: Display Quantize
Section 5: Section 5: Interpretation
Section 6: Section 6: Syncopation, No Overlap & Max Dots
Section 7: Section 7: Link Modes and Display Levels
Section 8: Section 8: Symbols, Tools, Techniques
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