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Logic Pro X 113 - External MIDI Basics.
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  • 1

    When using the custom LCD, how is a note on MIDI message graphically represented?

  • 2

    How many different indicators of MIDI coming into Logic were shown?

  • 3

    Saving your Logic Project also saves all the voices used, settings and parameters on your external device by default. True or False?

  • 4

    A.M.S stands for?

  • 5

    Arrows pointing away from your device icons in AMS represent MIDI going in or out from that device?

  • 6

    What are two other names mentioned for sounds on external MIDI instruments?

  • 7

    When using the Maschine Plugin in Multi-Timbral mode, moving the fader on one of the track headers _______________________.

  • 8

    What parameters on an external MIDI device can you control from the channel strip of an external MIDI track?

  • 9

    What are the two places you can designate which MIDI port and channel your track is sending to?

  • 10

    What is the controller ID number for Bank MSB?

  • 11

    Using the Maschine Plugin, in Multi-Timbral mode, uses how many instances of the Maschine plugin for each of the tracks shown in the tracks area?

  • 12

    Where is the best place to find all the names for the voices on your external MIDI device?

  • 13

    What kind of device is needed to send MIDI from Logic to your external MIDI device?

  • 14

    What is the shortcut to create a track in the main area for your Aux channel in you mixer?

  • 15

    Are 3rd-party software instruments, external MIDI instruments?

  • 16

    The Maschine plugin records MIDI into its own sequencer and not into Logic's main area by default. True or False?

  • 17

    How many different banks on the Motif were setup to be controlled remotely from Logic?

  • 18

    You can process the audio coming from your external devices with audio effect plugins in Logic. True or False?

  • 19

    To remotely send Program (voice) changes to your external MIDI device you have to make sure that...

  • 20

    What kind of channel strip do you need to pass audio from your external devices?

  • 21

    A high pass filter allows you to remove frequencies from what portion of your audio?

  • 22

    What is the quickest way to name all the General MIDI sounds in Logic when setting it to remotely control your external device?

  • 23

    In Logic Pro X, what is the shortcut to open the Environment?

  • 24

    What is the shortcut to create a new external MIDI track?

Logic Pro X 113
External MIDI Basics
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