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Logic 204 - Ultrabeat Unleashed.
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  • 1

    Once you've turned on Ultrabeat's step automation feature, how do you write automation?

  • 2

    What trigger mode is ideal for ride, crash, and splash cymbals

  • 3

    How do you initiate parameter offset sequencing?

  • 4

    How do you bring patterns out of Ultrabeat, into your session?

  • 5

    If you are sequencing a beat and want to "humanize" a hi-hat or shaker pattern, what method does Steve H give you to accomplish this in this tutorial?

  • 6

    How do you enable a MIDI controller to mute/unmute individual voices.

  • 7

    Can you adjust swing to be on some voices, but not others?

  • 8

    How do you activate Ultrabeat to be multi-output?

  • 9

    What is the purpose of the voice mute mode?

  • 10

    What is the main function of the mute button in the parameter offset area?

  • 11

    What direction does the audio signal path flow in Ultrabeat?

  • 12

    If you want to be able to trigger different beats saved in Ultrabeat with your MIDI controller, and want each change you initiate to start with the next step one, you should use:

  • 13

    Which notes does the swing knob effect?

  • 14

    Which pattern modes in Ultrabeat are synchronized with Logic's session click?

  • 15

    How many different offest parameters can you sequence on an individual voice?

  • 16

    What kind of trigger groups helps create a convincing open/close hi-hat sound?

Logic 204
Ultrabeat Unleashed
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