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MatrixBrute 101 - Absolute Beginner's Guide.
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  • 1

    Since the Macro Knobs are rotary encoders, how can you tell where they are set?

  • 2

    In the serial setting of the filter routing, what is the sequence of filters?

  • 3

    Which Legato setting is most consistent with vintage synthesizers?

  • 4

    How do you disable the half-step increments of the coarse tuning knob?

  • 5

    When was Bob Moog's filter patent granted?

  • 6

    Which color of noise has the least low frequencies?

  • 7

    How do you set the sequencer mod amount?

  • 8

    How do you ensure that accents are audible?

  • 9

    How do you make the arpeggiator play in multiple octaves?

  • 10

    Where can LFO 3 be found?

  • 11

    What filter mode is missing from the Ladder Filter?

  • 12

    Which oscillator is syncronized?

  • 13

    Which MatrixBrute envelope is hard-wired to the VCA?

  • 14

    How do you assign a modulator as an amount modulation?

  • 15

    What does "EVI" stand for?

  • 16

    What is the point of different filter slopes?

  • 17

    Is the MatrixBrute polyphonic?

  • 18

    What is the lowest frequency in the range of human hearing? ("Hz" is vibrations per second)

  • 19

    How can you tell which patch point is selected in the Matrix?

  • 20

    What function does "Width/Depth" control when the Stereo Delay is selected?

  • 21

    How has Arturia allowed you to identify octaves when tuning the oscillators?

  • 22

    Which oscillator can you modify using noise in the Audio Mod area?

  • 23

    Between Velocity and Aftertouch, which one can be used without accessing the Matrix?

MatrixBrute 101
Absolute Beginner's Guide
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