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Melodyne 201 - Melodyne 5 Extreme.
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  • 1

    What is the best algorithm to use for polyphonic vocals?

  • 2

    Multitrack editing is available in:

  • 3

    Double click a blob with the ______ tool to mute notes.

  • 4

    When in chromatic or scale snap, hold ______ to edit the pitch of notes freely on the pitch grid.

  • 5

    Which algorithm would be best for polyphonic piano recordings?

  • 6

    Which algorithm would be best for polyphonic guitar recordings?

  • 7

    Grey notes in Melodyne are meant to show a reference pitch, and cannot be directly edited.

  • 8

    Fixing guitar intonation with Melodyne is standard practice for recording and mixing.

  • 9

    Hold option/alt and drag the boundary of a note with the _____ tool to freely edit the timing.

  • 10

    It's best to use Melodyne ARA when you need to duplicate tracks and Melodyne plug-ins.

  • 11

    Muting notes with the amplitude tool allows you to temporarily turn off or turn on notes.

  • 12

    If the pitch curve line is lost during note assignment, you will not be able to tune the note in edit mode.

  • 13

    Hold _______ to exclude a harmonic from adjustment in the Sound Editor.

  • 14

    Which tool allows you to adjust the pitch transition between notes?

  • 15

    Melodyne allows you to add random ________ deviations.

  • 16

    Which Sound Editor control allows you to smooth out spectral peaks?

  • 17

    When pitch shifting vocal harmonies, use the _____ tool to shift the harmonies to make the harmonies more natural sounding.

  • 18

    Which tool would be used to flatten the vibrato in a note?

  • 19

    The Hi and Low tabs in the Sound Editor split the harmonics into two different bands like an EQ.

  • 20

    Which algorithm would be best for electric bass?

Melodyne 201
Melodyne 5 Extreme
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