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Moog Matriarch 101 - Moog Matriarch: The Video Manual.
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  • 1

    The Matriarch Keyboard does not produce Aftertouch

  • 2

    Which module can be used to scale a signal?

  • 3

    The Spacing on the Stereo Delay sets the offset between Delay 1 Time and DEaly 2 Time.

  • 4

    How many oscillators are on the oscillator section

  • 5

    How many inputs does the mixer have?

  • 6

    Which section of Matriarch needs to be modulated to get a Stereo Autopan Effect?

  • 7

    What does VCF stand for?

  • 8

    A Low Pass and a High Pass Filter in Series creates a Band Pass Filter

  • 9

    Which company developed the Matriarch?

  • 10

    How many Attenuators are in the Matriarch?

  • 11

    What is the maximum paraphony on the Matriarch?

  • 12

    What is the maximum number of notes you can record in each step

  • 13

    How many VCA modes are available on the Matriarch?

  • 14

    With Sync, what does the Stereo Delay sync to?

  • 15

    How many ADSRs are in the Envelope Generators section?

  • 16

    Which of the 4 oscillators are hardwired to be modulated by the Modulation Section?

  • 17

    Which module can self oscillate to create a sine wave tone?

  • 18

    Sample & Hold is a stepped random modulation source

  • 19

    The MULT can be used to duplicate a signal as well as mix multiple signals.

  • 20

    The WAVE OUT from each Oscillator gives the output of the selected waveform

Moog Matriarch 101
Moog Matriarch: The Video Manual
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