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Moogerfooger Effects Plugins 101 - Moogerfooger Effects Explored.
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  • 1

    How many total plugins do you get in the MoogerFooger bundle?

  • 2

    Which company develops the MoogerFooger Plugins covered in this Course?

  • 3

    Which tone setting on the MF-104S will give the most filtered delayed signal?

  • 4

    How many waveform shapes are available on the LFO in the MF-104S

  • 5

    What is the highest frequency the carrier sine wave signal can be set to?

  • 6

    How many maximum steps are available in the Pattern Editor for the MuRF?

  • 7

    How many waveforms do you get in the continuously variable waveform control for the MF-107S?

  • 8

    Moog lets you use CV across multiple instances of any of the 7 MoogerFooger plugins.

  • 9

    When the Filter Cutoff is set to the highest what frequencies are still being attenuated?

  • 10

    Which setting will let you make the timing of the delay sound sloppy?

  • 11

    What parameter does Sweep 2 modulate?

  • 12

    What are the modulation sources available directly from the MF-107S in the CV section?

  • 13

    In a 12 Stage Phaser how many dips in the frequency spectrum do you get?

  • 14

    What does DC stand for?

  • 15

    The Carrier signal of the Ring Modulator can be replaced via a Side chain input

  • 16

    How many total resonant band pass filters are in the MuRF?

  • 17

    When was the first MoogerFooger effect pedals released?

  • 18

    Which control parameter in the Envelope section of MF-101S is a Bipolar control?

  • 19

    The rate and amount of the LFO modulation can be further modulated in the CV Section

  • 20

    What are the two effects that the Cluster Flux produces?

Moogerfooger Effects Plugins 101
Moogerfooger Effects Explored
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