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Orchestration 104 - Clarinets, Saxophones and Bassoons.
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  • 1

    The basset horn's written notes sound...

  • 2

    In Tchaikovsky's 6th Symphony, the bass clarinet is often called upon to...

  • 3

    The jazz saxophone mouthpiece tends to make the instrument louder. True or false?

  • 4

    The best way to hold onto the information you've learned in this course is to...

  • 5

    Clarinets don't use vibrato in their normal approach to playing concert music. True or false?

  • 6

    The buzzy, reedy quality of the saxophone tends to get...

  • 7

    Changeovers between bassoon and contrabassoon are relatively fast and simple. True or false?

  • 8

    The bassoon's tone...

  • 9

    Saxophones use a double-reed mouthpiece very much like a bassoon. True or false?

  • 10

    The contrabassoon's projection...

  • 11

    The clarinet's low range...

  • 12

    There are three individual families of orchestral woodwind instruments. True or false?

  • 13

    The German system of bass clef notation...

  • 14

    The E-flat clarinet should be used...

  • 15

    The lowest note of the tenor saxophone reaches...

  • 16

    Bassoons sound great in alliances...

  • 17

    The A clarinet...

  • 18

    A good rule of thumb in scoring orchestral saxophones is to...

  • 19

    The unison doubling of two exposed clarinets...

  • 20

    The contrabass clarinet sounds...

  • 21

    The bassoon's low register comprises 20 fundamental tones. True or false?

Orchestration 104
Clarinets, Saxophones and Bassoons
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