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Pages 101 - Learn Pages.
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  • 1

    You can change the format of your Shape by...

  • 2

    Where on your desktop can you find the Pages document you were editing on your iPad?

  • 3

    You can increase the spacing before or after each paragraph. True or false?

  • 4

    What aspects of your bullets can you customize in the Inspector?

  • 5

    Where is the header located on a document?

  • 6

    How many choices are there in the Inspector for paragraph alignment?

  • 7

    When you change the format of your chart from 2D to 3D, Pages will...

  • 8

    When you are ready to print, you cannot change the size of paper you want to print on. True or false?

  • 9

    Where can you find the option to put columns in your document in the Inspector?

  • 10

    What is NOT an invisible element?

  • 11

    Where can you find your collaborators when working in Pages on iCloud?

  • 12

    When you are ready to print, you cannot change the size of paper you want to print on. True or false?

  • 13

    To change the font in a document, you should open up:

  • 14

    To add more columns to your table, you should click...

  • 15

    You can clone a text box by holding down the Option key and dragging the text box. True or false?

  • 16

    When you convert from a standard word processing document to a Page Layout document, what element can get lost?

  • 17

    Where should you click to get to the image wrapping options?

  • 18

    Where can you find formatting options in Pages for iOS?

  • 19

    The Inspector is located in the upper right corner. True or false?

  • 20

    What does the Paragraph Styles drop-down menu say in the Inspector

Pages 101
Learn Pages
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