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Premiere Pro CC 101 - Get Started Now!.
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  • 1

    Which way is NOT a way to import media into Premiere?

  • 2

    The program required to work with Windows Media Files on Mac is called...

  • 3

    You can view your Safe Margins by turning on Overlays. True or false?

  • 4

    Sync Lock lets you lock down specific layers, so they won't be altered when insert editing. True or false?

  • 5

    Premiere Pro caches media so that......

  • 6

    The time information on the right side of either monitor represents...

  • 7

    You cannot enter your own metadata information into a column. True or false?

  • 8

    You can create a new sequence that matches a clips parameters by dragging it onto the...

  • 9

    The reason you will want to install Switch on your system once QuickTime files are supported natively in Premiere is...

  • 10

    Four "base" bins you should use to get started are:

  • 11

    A Scratch Disk is a location where Premiere puts:

  • 12

    In the Creative Cloud application, how many legacy versions of Premiere do you have available to download?

  • 13

    4x3 safe makes sure that...

  • 14

    Which of the following is NOT an option for ingesting your media into Premiere Pro?

  • 15

    What is the difference between Ripple and regular Deletes?

  • 16

    The two monitors for seeing your clips and your timeline are called the:

  • 17

    Track Targeting is used to edit video clips onto different layers in your timeline. True or false?

  • 18

    A big advantage to importing via the Media Browser is:

  • 19

    Which NLE's Keyboard Layout is NOT included in the Keyboard Shortcuts?

  • 20

    The "JKL" Commands on the standard Premiere Pro Keyboard layout represent (respectively)...

  • 21

    The items in the "Capture" dropdown will change based on:

  • 22

    To use your Render files in your export, you want to make sure you have what selected?

  • 23

    When exporting from Premiere, you have to wait until Premiere is done exporting, before you can work again. True or false?

  • 24

    The best location to put your Project Autosave is:

Premiere Pro CC 101
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