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Premiere Pro CC 106 - Exporting.
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  • 1

    All social media destinations have the same file specs. True or false?

  • 2

    You can define the range you want to export in Premiere by using...

  • 3

    The easiest way to create a watermark is...

  • 4

    An ideal codec for delivering your final master to stations is...

  • 5

    The easiest way to create a preset similar to an existing AME preset is...

  • 6

    It's alway a good idea to have a video limiter on your footage so that...

  • 7

    What is the color space for DCP file exports?

  • 8

    Which of these still formats does NOT support Alpha Channels...

  • 9

    The standard Premiere Pro shortcut to export your timeline from Premiere is.....

  • 10

    Exported Images Sequences cannot support Alpha Channels. True or false?

  • 11

    Adobe Media Encoder does not need to be running to process Watch Folders. True or false?

  • 12

    The proper terminology for standard 6 channel surround sound audio is...

  • 13

    The best format to export your timeline, to embed both 608 and 708 captions is...

  • 14

    Matching the Sequence Settings in the "Export Settings" disables any parameter adjustments for Video & Audio. True or false?

  • 15

    The ideal way to get your timeline out of Premiere and into DaVinci Resolve is via...

  • 16

    The main reason to create export presets is:

  • 17

    Once you're done your Resolve color correction, you can send your timeline back to Premiere via

  • 18

    The advantage of queuing up multiple exports in Media Encoder is...

  • 19

    The most common reason to export files with Timecode Burn is for...

Premiere Pro CC 106
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