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Pro Tools 101 - Pro Tools - Beginner's Guide.
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  • 1

    Every time you separate a clip in Pro Tools, it creates an additional audio file in the audio files folder. True or false?

  • 2

    Which of the following is NOT a time-based effect?

  • 3

    Hold _____ while selecting an input or output, to apply it to multiple tracks.

  • 4

    AudioSuite effects are real-time effects loaded on track Inserts. True or false?

  • 5

    Press _____ to save your PT session.

  • 6

    Which editing option allows you to synchronize the playback of your session with your edit selection?

  • 7

    Which Zoomer Tool zooms once, and then switches back to the previously selected tool?

  • 8

    Which version of Pro Tools supports surround sound mixing.

  • 9

    Which counter display would you typically use for audio postproduction for video and film?

  • 10

    Which type of track inputs MIDI, but outputs audio?

  • 11

    Hold ______ to select multiple non-contiguous clips with the Object Grabber tool.

  • 12

    Hold ____ while dragging to duplicate a plugin from insert to another.

  • 13

    Which option is best to consolidate all of your audio files into your Pro Tools session?

  • 14

    Which Trim Tool allows you to compress and expand audio?

  • 15

    You can create fades with the smart tool. True or false?

  • 16

    You can change parameters of a track, like volume, over time with:

  • 17

    MIDI Tracks input MIDI, but output audio. True or false?

  • 18

    The shortcut to create a new Pro Tools session is:

  • 19

    Which type of real-time effect plugin helps to level out the dynamics of a recording?

  • 20

    Which version of Pro Tools supports multiple video tracks:

  • 21

    The company that currently owns Pro Tools is:

  • 22

    When adding a guitar amp sim plugin, it is best to add it to the _____ of the audio track.

  • 23

    A beat can be divided into a maximum of ____ ticks in Pro Tools.

  • 24

    Press _____ to import multiple audio files into Pro Tools.

  • 25

    Separate clips with key focus mode by pressing:

Pro Tools 101
Pro Tools - Beginner's Guide
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