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Pro Tools 202 - More Plugins Explored.
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The Avid Complete Plugin Bundle...
is included with all paid versions of Pro Tools and available as a $50/yr subscription for Pro Tools Free users
is included with all versions of Pro Tools
is included with Pro Tools Ultimate and available as a $50/yr subscription for other Pro Tools users
is a $50/yr subscription add-on for all Pro Tools users
The actual Leslie effect emulated by the Voce Spin plug-in is a result of...
an analog phaser circuit built into a powered speaker cabinet
rotating speakers in a cabinet
a so-called bucket-brigade analog delay line
an analog chorus circuit built into a powered speaker cabinet
Impact seems to be (unofficially) based on...
the optical circuitry of the Teletronix LA-2A
the SSL Master Buss compressor in classic 4000-G consoles
the FET circuitry of the Urei 1176
a combination of FET and Opto compressor designs
In Eleven Mk II the overall output level of the plug-in should be set with...
the output knob at the upper right, not the master volume knob in the virtual front panel
the master volume knob in the virtual front panel
the input knob at the upper left, not the initial gain or drive knob in the virtual front panel
the initial gain or drive knob in the virtual front panel
The stompbox plug-in Green JRC Overdrive is a model of...
the Pro Co Rat
the Electro-Harmonix Big Muff Pi
the Ibanez Tube Screamer
the MXR Dyna Comp
The IR used by a convolution reverb like Space is...
a programmed series of digital delays that build up into a reverberant sound field
a mechanical reverb device that hooks up to the computer via extra i/o on the interface
an audio recording (a sample) of the response of a real space to an impulse or sweep tone
an embedded script that calculates the response of a series of digitally-generated delay taps
The phasing effect created by the Moogerfooger 12-Stage Phaser pedal/plug-in is created in the analog world by...
a series of all-pass filters and an LFO that create and periodically sweep frequency notches
a spare tape recorder and pressure on the flange of the metal reel of the tape
a long digital delay line subject to modulation by an LFO
a short digital delay line subject to modulation by an LFO
The pitch-shifting option in X-Form includes a Formant setting-formants are...
fixed resonances that are responsible for the tone of a voice or instrument
specialized formulas (formants) that create the desired pitch shift
short delays/echoes that contribute to the tone of a voice or instrument
room resonances that contribute to the tone of a voice or instrument
Multiband compression is popular for mastering applications because...
it can make the overall mix much louder than any other type of compressor
it can let the user remove the vocal from a full mix
it guarantees that the tonal balance of the audio will not change, preserving the original mix
it can provide somewhat better control over different instruments in different bands
The Fairchild 670 compressor-both the original and the Avid modeled plug-in-includes...
an option for Lateral-Vertical (Mid-Side) processong
an FET-based circuit that adds a little transistor edge when driven hard
an optical circuit that completely controls the compression response
an option to engage all the ratio buttons at once, called all-buttons mode
The expander-based effect where background music automatically drops in level whenever a voiceover comes along is called...
The unusual layout of the Pultec EQP-1A includes...
all fixed-frequency bands, like a modern graphic EQ
full parametric control on all three bands
simultaneous boost and cut controls for the same band
a proportional-Q response on all five bands
Pro Compressor's Depth control...
add a little LFO modulation to the compressed signal for extra richness
limits the amount of gain reduction regardless of the set Ratio
lets the user blend the original (uncompressed) signal and the compressed signal for parallel compression
automatically blends the original (uncompressed) signal and the compressed signal for parallel compression
The Tel-Ray Variable Delay plug-in is...
an emulation of a vintage hardware delay unit with a pleasingly lo-fi sound
a custom delay effect unit designed specifically to provide modern delay effects for Pro Tools
an emulation of a classic plate reverb hardware unit
an emulation of the classic spring reverb hardware units found in typical guitar amps
The LUFS and True Peak measurements included in Pro Limiter are designed to...
insure that the user achieves the greatest amount of Loudness Maximizing
guarantee maximum loudness for every mix being mastered
assist the user in setting the overall level to adhere to modern standards for Loudness Normalizing
automatically set the level of the finished master to adhere to modern standards for Loudness Normalizing
The Focusrite D2 and D3 plug-ins are based on...
the tube-based circuitry in vintage EQs like the Pultecs
the EQ sections in SSL 4000-D series consoles
vintage passive EQ designs
the Foucusrtie Red 2 and Red 3 hardware units, respectively
The gentle compression and distortion that results from recording hot onto analog tape-emulated in the Reel Tape plug-ins-is called...
tape saturation
ADT (artifical double tracking)
ADT (automatic double tracking)
slap echo
True or False: The Avid Complete Plugin Bundle includes dynamics, EQ, reverb, distortion, and FX plug-ins
Reverb One and ReVibe II are...
an algorithmic reverb and a modeling reverb, respectively
a modeling reverb and an algorithmic reverb, respectively
both combination algorithmic+convolution reverbs
both convolution reverbs
The LA-2A-modeled as the BF-2A plug-in-is:
an optical tube compressor
a solid-state FET compressor
a variable-mu tube compressor
a solid-state VCA compressor
Pro Tools 202
More Plugins Explored
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