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Prophet 6 101 - Prophet 6 Revealed.
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  • 1

    What does FM stand for?

  • 2

    How are the effects routed?

  • 3

    How do you enter 'Live Panel Mode'?

  • 4

    How many rows of global settings are there?

  • 5

    Which effect engine has the reverb effects?

  • 6

    The Sub Oscillator utilises what kind of waveform?

  • 7

    The hold function will work for both chords and single notes. True or false?

  • 8

    What does the mod wheel apply to your sound?

  • 9

    Pulse Width only has an effect on the pulse waveform. True or False?

  • 10

    Oscillator 1 can be sync'd to the frequency of oscillator two. True or false?

  • 11

    How many 'Pot Modes' are available on the Prophet 6?

  • 12

    If the Env Amount knob is not turned up, the filter will be fixed and in place for the duration of the sound. True or false?

  • 13

    The trainer recommends utilising __________ to round/smooth out the edges of sharp and/or stabby sounds?

  • 14

    A softer, evolving string pad should have:

  • 15

    The hold function only works in Arp/Seq mode: True or False?

  • 16

    All classic analog synths had the same response curve. True or false?

  • 17

    What happens if you hit the 'Global' button three times?

  • 18

    Like most synths, the user banks come after the factory banks. True or False?

  • 19

    PolyMod can get you into the realm of Frequency Modulation (FM). True or False?

  • 20

    What type of MIDI data does the Prophet output when it exports its soundbanks?

  • 21

    Which filter cuts off the higher frequencies, shutting them down at its specified cutoff?

  • 22

    The Prophet 6 filter does not self-resonate. True or False?

  • 23

    You can route polymod to multiple destinations. True or false?

  • 24

    Which effect engine has the distortion effects?

  • 25

    You can't store presets in Live Panel mode. True or false?

Prophet 6 101
Prophet 6 Revealed
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