Pro Tools 111
Exploring Tracks
Genre: Audio
  • 39 Videos
  • 1h 33m
In this PT 110 Certification study guide, explore the multitude of ways tracks can be created in this collection of AVID Learning Partner tutorial-videos by Pro Tools Certified trainer Mike Watkinson...
Mike is a widely recognized audio expert, writer, composer, producer and educator working and living in England.
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Status: Available
Knowing how to create audio and MIDI tracks in Pro Tools is essential knowledge, and in this tutorial, Exploring Tracks , expert trainer Mike Watkinson tracks them all down! You'll learn how to import audio files using the DigiBase and Workspace Browser. You'll see how to use the Waveform Display and how to audition audio files. Mike also shows you all the various types of audio files used in Pro Tools and how to adjust and set the audio preferences.This section fades out with a discussion on how to use ReWire in Pro Tools.

Then it's all about MIDI: You'll master all the techniques involved in step-inputting MIDI into your tracks. You'll then learn how to import a batch of MIDI files, as well as MIDI loop recording and quantizing. Mike wraps it all up with an explanation of record settings and playlists.

With all the different kinds of tracks and files that Pro Tools can handle, it's handy to have all this essential information in one place: Right here at MPV!

Whether you're studying for AVID Certification or brushing up on your Pro Tools skills, join master trainer Mike Watkinson and learn all the ins and outs of Exploring Tracks in Pro Tools 10!

 Check out all of's tutorials and our ever-expanding collection of advanced Pro Tools tutorials by Grammy Award-winning engineers, industry pros and AVID Certified Pro Tools instructors.

This course, originally created in an earlier version of Protools, is forward-compatible with the most recent version.
Section 1: Section 1: Working With Audio Files
Section 2: Section 2: Importing Audio
Section 3: Section 3: ReWire
Section 4: Section 4: MIDI Step Input
Section 5: Section 5: Importing MIDI Files
Section 6: Section 6: Loop Recording MIDI
Section 7: Section 7: MIDI Quantizing
Section 8: Section 8: Record Settings and Playlists
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