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Reaktor 6 103 - Ensembles Explored.
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  • 1

    How many send FX channels do you get in SineBeats?

  • 2

    Does Spiral output any audio?

  • 3

    GoBox can be switched to a triplet feel by turning on the T switch. True or false?

  • 4

    How Many Sampler channels are there in the GoBox engine?

  • 5

    Space Drone can generate 96 parallel voices based on filter noise. True or false?

  • 6

    What kind of synthesis technique does Steam Pipe use?

  • 7

    How many filters are available for the Noise module in SineBeats?

  • 8

    How many effects modules are there in Metaphysical Function?

  • 9

    In Steam, the Mod-Wheel to Filter section has how many filters?

  • 10

    How many parallel signal generators do you get in each section of Metaphysical Function?

  • 11

    Travelizer is a polyphonic instrument. True or false?

  • 12

    Akkord Ensemble is a combination of the Akkord synth and Akkord sequencer. True or false?

  • 13

    How many Pitch Modulators are there in Metaphysical Function?

  • 14

    Is it possible to modulate the pitch of the sampler in Metaphysical Function?

  • 15

    Is it easy to enter in complex chords quickly in Akkord's step-sequencer?

  • 16

    Reaktor library instruments can be opened up and modified. True or false?

  • 17

    Does the Sync-Ro-Nizer get affected by the main GoBox controls?

  • 18

    What are the two generators that are available in Steam Pipe?

  • 19

    The Steam Pipe arpeggiator has...

  • 20

    In GoBox, the Morph Pad only works when you turn the ‘m on' switch. True or false?

  • 21

    When using Spiral, only the VST version will let you route MIDI out of Reaktor in Ableton Live. True or false?

  • 22

    Is it possible to trigger SineBeat snapshots via MIDI input?

  • 23

    Can you record notes in the SineBeats sequencer via MIDI?

  • 24

    How many mixer channels are available in SineBeats?

  • 25

    In Steam, the Feedback section gives control over various parameters of the virtual pipe. True or false?

Reaktor 6 103
Ensembles Explored
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