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Logic Pro X 203 - Retro Synth: 4 Synths in 1.
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  • 1

    What modulator would you use to gradually fade-in and fade-out a note?

  • 2

    Which devices on Retro Synth generate sound?

  • 3

    How many oscillators are available in Retro Synth?

  • 4

    How is the frequency of the sine wave in the amp section controlled?

  • 5

    Using the Filter FM control , which Oscillator does it use to modulate the sound?

  • 6

    Which oscillators does the Vibrato control apply to?

  • 7

    Which following filter type is NOT available in Logic's Retro synth?

  • 8

    How many effects are there in Retro Synth?

  • 9

    If you set the Key slider at the highest position, filtering will only be applied to the highest notes on the keyboard. True or false?

  • 10

    How many voices does retro Synth have?

  • 11

    Where does the filter envelope release stage leave the sound?

  • 12

    How long does it take for the sound to reach maximum velocity when the Amp Attack is set to 1000 ms?

Logic Pro X 203
Retro Synth: 4 Synths in 1
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