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Sample Pack Creation 101 - Designing and Marketing Sample Packs.
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  • 1

    Are you allowed to sell public domain content, without modifying it?

  • 2

    Which is the following is a more conventional file name?

  • 3

    What is the name of the software I used to batch rename files?

  • 4

    EULAs could be described as ... ?

  • 5

    It's not desirable to dither more than once. True or false?

  • 6

    Are you likely to hear quantization error going from 32 bit, to 24?

  • 7

    Which requires time and knowledge of business to follow?

  • 8

    What is the most common bit of hidden MIDI information?

  • 9

    What is the main advantage of using an iterative workflow?

  • 10

    Synth macros give the user ... ?

  • 11

    Which of the following do you have to be most careful with creating?

  • 12

    Does every DAW use the same MIDI export resolution?

  • 13

    Can a plain text file contain an image?

  • 14

    Which of the following is the more important concept in working efficiently?

  • 15

    True Peak is the ... ?

  • 16

    Fades are designed primarily to prevent ... ?

  • 17

    Do most sample have metadata?

  • 18

    What is the most important thing to do when pitching packs to labels?

  • 19

    What is a more experienced producer likely to prefer?

  • 20

    What phrase describes the generative workflow?

  • 21

    ‘White labelling' could be thought of as ... ?

  • 22

    What are the main time-based effects?

  • 23

    Is lossless compression (e.g. FLAC) the same quality as uncompressed (e.g. WAV)?

  • 24

    Should you update Serum to the ‘beta builds'?

Sample Pack Creation 101
Designing and Marketing Sample Packs
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