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Kontakt 7 301 - Sampling and Sound Design Demystified.
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  • 1

    For the Trombone Section instrument, how many articulation do you get?

  • 2

    What is the KSP button made for?

  • 3

    In semi-tone mode, what is the range of values you get for steps in the step modulator?

  • 4

    What are the two filter types you get in Synth Instruments collection?

  • 5

    Any pattern from the Beats collection can be dragged into the DAW for further editing

  • 6

    The Multi LFO combines 4 different LFO shapes to give you a unique customizable shape

  • 7

    What does PV stand for?

  • 8

    How can you select multiple Sound Type tags?

  • 9

    In the Choir Morph instrument which MIDI controller is assigned to control the morphing?

  • 10

    How many different styles of envelopes are available for modulation in Kontakt?

  • 11

    What is the name of the company that develops Kontakt?

  • 12

    The Envelope Follower only works as a modulation source within a Kontakt group.

  • 13

    Amp Envelope control is included in percussion instruments but not on the strings or woodwind instruments

  • 14

    How many default Aux sends are available in Kontakt?

  • 15

    How many total slots for group insert effects do you get?

  • 16

    Across all effect types, how many total effect slots to you get for each category?

  • 17

    How many main tabs are available inside a Kontakt instrument

  • 18

    What is the one modulator you get in the filter section of Vintage Instruments?

  • 19

    In the Bansuri instrument, what MIDI controller is assigned to control Tremolo?

  • 20

    How many total Host automation slots are available in Kontakt?

  • 21

    The Glide modulation source can only be applied to Pitch

Kontakt 7 301
Sampling and Sound Design Demystified
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