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Storyboarding 102 - The Art of Storyboarding.
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  • 1

    A beat is a significant plot point or action point in a story. True or false?

  • 2

    The 180 degree rule should never be broken. True or false?

  • 3

    Once the storyboard is completed, it gets turned into ____________.

  • 4

    Which statement is incorrect?

  • 5

    _____________ are often used in dialogs.

  • 6

    A _______ is a small sketch used as a plan for the final panel.

  • 7

    What's important to do when using a POV shot?

  • 8

    The Cut In shows the audience something that is not in the main scene. True or false?

  • 9

    The "Jump Cut" should be ____________.

  • 10

    A good rule of thumb is to make your cuts on movements or action in a scene. True or false?

Storyboarding 102
The Art of Storyboarding
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